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 Monday, March 16, 2020, 9:30 PM

Good evening! I pray that each of you are doing well.

After listening to President Trump and his task force ‘strongly encourage’ that gatherings be restricted to ten persons or less, the church board has unanimously voted to honor the spirit of that request and cancel all corporate worship and church gatherings until further notice. 

The president has encouraged a 15-day observance of the request. In the meantime, we ask that you pray with us for wisdom and discernment to lead in a manner that will both provide a strong witness to our community, as well as protect and care for our church family. 

I do make one request of you – please email me @ (my email address is on the back of your church bulletin).

In that email, please provide me with your cell phone number AND home number (if you have one).

In doing so, we can update our contact records and insure that we are able to communicate all changes and developments in an efficient manner.

During these days, we will be depending on our OneCall system, as well as other means of social media (Facebook, our website, and texting) to both minister to and communicate with our church family. We can only include you in these communications if we have accurate contact information.

We will also be implementing Care Groups, whereby our ordained leadership can check in on you by phone, and make sure your needs are met spiritually.

In the coming days we will also release a Stewardship Plan, whereby we can continue to worship through giving, either by mailing our tithes, or by using on-line giving or giving by text.

We want to ensure that, as the Body of Christ, we continue to meet all of our financial responsibilities, as well as all pledges of support to our partner ministries. 

Finally, please pray for me, along with our leadership team – your church board – as we continue to seek the Lord’s face for wisdom as we lead.

Love and prayers to each of you. Goodnight, and God bless!


Together we can! 

Pastor Mark

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